【Animal Modeling】-Quick operation skills and experience of tail vein injection in rats in awake state

  Objective: To introduce the rapid operation skills and experience of tail vein injection in awake rats to improve the success rate of the operation.

  Method: Use the self-made rat strap combined with the operator's light pressure method to fix the rat, one for auxiliary fixation, one for puncture, one for drug delivery, I will inject. Minimize the damage of the rat's tail and the rat's reaction during the injection. It is necessary to strictly adjust the needle tip and the number of punctures, limit the maximum dose and injection rate at a time, and take the method of separating the needle from the injection site to avoid drugs. Pollution and waste.

  Result: This method is fast, reliable, stable, reproducible and highly compatible with animals.

  Conclusion: This method avoids drug waste and pollution. This method is particularly recommended for experiments using expensive drugs in the tail vein.