【Animal Modeling】-Parkinson's Disease

  Madison, Wisconsin-Mature brains have difficulty repairing themselves after being damaged by degenerative diseases such as degenerative diseases, stroke or Parkinson's disease. The unlimited adaptability of stem cells provides hope for better nerve repair. However, the complexity of precise coordination of the brain hinders the development of clinical therapies. In a new study of these diseases, researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison demonstrated a proof-of-concept stem cell therapy in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease. They found that stem cell-derived neurons can integrate well into the correct areas of the brain, connect with natural neurons and restore motor function.

  The key is identity. By carefully tracking the fate of transplanted stem cells, scientists have discovered that the identity of these cells (in Parkinson’s disease, dopamine-producing cells) determines their connection and function.

  Scientists say that this study shows that neural stem cell therapy is a realistic goal, because more and more methods can generate dozens of unique neurons from stem cells. However, more research is needed to translate the findings from mice to humans.

  The UW-A research team led by Zhang Suchun, a neuroscientist in Madison, published this discovery in the journal CellStemCell on September 22. The research was led by postdoctoral researchers Chen Yuejun, Xiong Man and Tao Yezheng in Zhang's laboratory, who are currently faculty members in China and Singapore.

  Professor Zhang Ming said: "Our brains are very precisely connected by specific nerve cells in specific locations and can participate in all complex behaviors. All of these are specific cell types. It depends on the circuits connected." Neuroscience . University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Neurology, Wisman Center. "Nerve damage usually affects specific brain areas or specific cell types and destroys electrical circuits. To treat these diseases, these circuits must be repaired."

  Parkinson's disease In order to repair these circuits in a mouse model of human embryonic stem cells, the researchers first differentiated into dopamine neurons that would die of Coax Parkinson's disease. They transplanted these new neurons into the midbrain of mice, which is the brain area most affected by Parkinson's disease. After a few months, the mice had time to integrate new neurons into the brain, thus showing improved exercise capacity. After careful inspection, Zhang's team was able to confirm that the transplanted neurons were connected to the motor control areas of the brain over long distances. Nerve cells also establish contact with the regulatory areas of the brain that enter new neurons and prevent them from being overstimulated.

  The two sets of feed-in and feed-out connections of transplanted neurons are similar to the circuits established by natural neurons. This only applies to dopamine-producing cells. Similar experiments on cells that produce the neurotransmitter glutamate did not contribute to the repair of Parkinson's disease, but failed to repair the motor circuit, which revealed the importance of neuronal identity in repairing damage.