【Animal Modeling】-Animal Model of Kidney Yang Deficiency Depression

  Depression is a common mental illness, mainly manifested as depression, decreased interest, lack of activity, decreased diet and sleep, and in severe cases may lead to suicidal ideation and behavior. Traditional herbal medicine believes that depression includes seven emotions, visceral dysfunction, qi, blood, fluid imbalance, yin and yang, cold and heat imbalance, and many other factors. There are different understandings of the syndrome and pathogenesis of depression, but they are the same disease. Depression is also a common disease. Depression is empirical. It is based on the theory that "Yang is active" and "Yin and Yang are the root of Yuan Yang" proposed in the Book of Changes. common. In recent years, the clinical diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine and the treatment of depression have gradually attracted people's attention. It can warm yin and yang, make people energetic, and achieve good results. In clinical practice, it has been found that Xiaoyao San and Yin-Yang warm-heat medicine have stronger antidepressant effects. Xiaoyaosan alone or with any other medicine compatible with sedatives, blood circulation and hemorrhoid relief medicines can be used. Jiaotai Wan treats menopausal depression, the famous Shancy TCM Lee, can treat depression through Sini Decoction, and treats more than 100 patients with satisfactory results.

  A large number of animal studies have shown that in terms of "drug testing syndrome", warming kidney yang medicine can effectively improve the depression state of model animals. This provides supporting evidence for the following evidence: insufficient kidney-yang medicine is a potential cause of depression. ..Glucocorticoid-induced depression animal models of kidney deficiency are widely used. The glucocorticoid drug model is a new and effective animal model of depression. Ingestion of a certain amount of exogenous glucocorticoids will release ACTH in the anterior pituitary. Reduced, animals have experienced a series of "exhaustion" phenomena. This is very similar to the clinical symptoms of Yang deficiency syndrome. However, the main problem with current animal models is that there are significant differences in drug types, administration routes, dosages, modeling time, and metrics. The lack of homogeneity and standardization is a continuing challenge to experimental and clinical research. For this article, please download the full text from a journal website that supports Web of Science, PubMed Biomedicine and EBSCO + MED-LINE database. We collected about 90 articles about ChinaKnowledgeNetwork, Wanfang data knowledge service platform (mainly depression), and collected sheep kidneys from 2001 to 2016. In order to compare and analyze the current literature on kidney depression and yang deficiency, corticosterone and hydrocortisone models provide references to develop standardized and unified modeling methods and indicators.