How to prepare an animal model of autologous arterial thrombosis?
(1) Copy method
1) Rabbit model The experimental rabbits were fixed in the supine position after routine anesthesia, and the femoral artery was punctured with a pressure monitor. Separate the abdominal aorta, clamp the two ends of the abdominal aorta with a vascular clip at the distal end of the bilateral renal arteries by 1.0 to 1.5 cm, and inject a mixture of 0.11 ml of rabbit autologous blood and 10 U of thrombin into the lumen of the artery with a micro syringe. After 3 hours, remove the vascular clip. If the blood pressure cannot be measured by the pressure monitor connected to the femoral artery, the thrombosis of the abdominal aorta is confirmed.
2) Dog model experimental dog is anesthetized by intravenous injection of sodium pentobarbital at a dose of 30 mg/kg body weight, and the left femoral artery is freed by about 5 cm during the operation. The collateral branch is ligated, and the distal end is dynamically measured every minute with an electromagnetic blood flowmeter. Blood flow. A thrombus model was prepared in this segment of artery. The distal and proximal ends of the artery were clamped with two arterial clamps. The distance between the two clamps was 20mm. Human thrombin 200U and canine fibrinogen 250μg were injected into the two-clamped artery segment at two points for 20 minutes. Then loosen the proximal end clamp, 30 minutes later, loosen the distal end, and wait for the thrombus to mature for another 10 minutes (the blood flow at the distal end of the artery is zero), start to give the test drug, and observe the flow recovery.
(2) Features of the model The thrombus formed by this model is determined. The dissolution of the thrombus after the formation of the thrombus can be clearly determined by the recovery of blood pressure or the recovery of flow.
(3) Comparative medicine. Clinical acute arterial thrombosis is mostly caused by atherosclerosis, arteritis and aneurysm, and rabbit or dog arterial thrombosis caused by autologous blood or fibrinogen plus thrombin. It is in the structure of thrombus. There are certain differences. The thrombus formed by autologous blood plus thrombin is a red thrombus. It usually occurs in clinical practice after the blood flow is extremely slow or stopped. The thrombus formed by fibrinogen plus thrombin is a colorless thrombus, which is prone to clinical occurrence. In tiny blood vessels.