How to build an animal model of facial paralysis? -Animal modeling

  Objective: To find relevant literature on different animal models of facial paralysis, analyze the advantages and disadvantages of different model preparation methods, study preparation methods suitable for different research types, study facial paralysis animal models, and provide experimental basis for the preparation of models.

  Method: Retrieved the literature related to the creation of facial paralysis animal models in the past ten years, and summarized various laboratory animals and modeling methods.

  Result: At present, most animals used to create facial nerve palsy models are rats, mice, Japanese large-eared mice, etc., and the modeling methods include pulling nerve amputation, pressing method, pulling method, etc.

  Conclusion: Currently, there are many preparation methods for facial paralysis models, and each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Different modeling methods can be selected for different research purposes to provide scientific basis for acupuncture treatment of facial paralysis.