[Animal model]-Use rabbit brain powder extract to replicate the model of diffuse intravascular coagulation

  (1) Copy method Preparation of rabbit brain powder infusion: put the rabbits to death, take out the rabbit brains, remove the attached blood vessels and meninges, rinse them and dry them with gauze, add acetone in a mortar, grind and crush the brain tissues , Each grinding for about 5 minutes, pour the acetone, replace the acetone repeatedly, grind 6 to 7 times to remove water and fat, until the brain is pounded into off-white particles, and finally spread the particles on the filter paper and place it at 37℃. After the acetone evaporates in the box for 0.5h, the brain tissue is powdered and placed in a small test tube, sealed, and stored at -20°C for use. Modeling method: Take 2.5~3.0kg experimental rabbits, fix them in supine position after anesthesia, routinely disinfect and dehair the neck operation area, separate the tissue layer by layer, and make carotid artery cannulation. Let 4.5ml of blood from the carotid artery intubation to a centrifuge tube containing 0.5ml of 3.8% sodium citrate solution, and mix immediately. Supplement 5-10ml of sterile normal saline from the ear vein, and inject 2% rabbit brain powder infusion (3ml/kg) through the vein, and the injection rate is controlled at about 2ml/min. Twenty minutes after the rabbit brain infusion was injected, the carotid clamp was opened and the second bloodletting was performed. Centrifuge the blood obtained twice at 3000r/min for 5min, and separate the plasma for fibrinogen quantification, kaolin partial thromboplastin time (KPTT), prothrombin time (PT) determination and plasma protamine paracoagulation test (3P).

  (2) Model characteristics: 20 minutes after the rabbit brain infusion is injected, there are significant differences between the model animals and the normal control animals. The fibrinogen content was significantly lower than before injection. The kaolin partial thromboplastin time of the plasma reflecting the activity of the endogenous coagulation system is prolonged, and the prothrombin time reflecting the activity of the exogenous coagulation system is prolonged; the index of the soluble complex of fibrin monomer in the plasma is measured-plasma The protamine paracoagulation test was negative before injection and positive after injection. In addition, the platelet count during DIC was also significantly reduced.

  (3) Comparative medicine The data and results obtained by replicating rabbit DIC models are compared and analyzed with human disease manifestations, which can be used to clarify the occurrence mechanism of DIC, reveal the rules of disease occurrence and development, and provide theoretical basis for clinical disease diagnosis and treatment.