How to build the MuSK myasthenia gravis model? -【Animal Modeling】

  Objective To establish a mouse model of myasthenia gravis with positive muscle-specific receptor tyrosine kinase antibody (MuSK-Ab).

  Method 6-8 weeks old eagle-like C57BL/6 mice (40 mice), adapted to rearing for 1 week, randomly grouped and modeled. On the 1st day of the modelling, 4 positions (two hind feet and two shoulders) were injected with immune antigens (50μL for each site, containing 12.5μg of murine peptide, CFA complete Freund's adjuvant); on the 30th and 50th days of the modelling The immune antigens were injected into the above 4 positions (two hind feet and two shoulders) again, and the incidence of the disease was scored every day after the 70th day.

  Result The success rate of the model is 50%. The score is 1 mouse with 1 point, 3 with 2 points, 5 with 3 points, and 1 mouse with 4 points.

  Conclusion To prepare MuSK-Ab mouse model, the modeling method is feasible, which is helpful for in-depth study of myasthenia gravis disease.