How to cultivate naked zokor stem cells? -【Animal Modeling】

  Researchers from Hokkaido University in Japan and other institutions reported on the online edition of the British "Nature Communications" on the 10th that naked zokors have a long lifespan. Researchers have successfully grown induced pluripotent stem cells using normal cells from the animal. The first time (also called iPS unit). This type of cell is not easy to cause cancer and helps solve the safety problem of regenerative medicine. Naked mole mice in East Africa can live for 30 years, about 10 times longer than normal mice, and are not affected by cancer. The mystery of the life span of naked mole rats has attracted the attention of many researchers around the world. Japanese researchers stated in the bulletin that normal mammalian iPS cells have the ability to differentiate into a variety of cells, but there are certain risks. For example, when transplanting cardiomyocytes differentiated from rat iPS cells, mixing these cardiomyocytes with undifferentiated "primitive" iPS cells can cause cancer.

  However, naked mole mouse iPS cells did not show this risk. Researchers at Hokkaido University and Keio University recently successfully cultured iPS cells using nude mo mouse skin cells for the first time, and transplanted iPS cells into nude mo mouse rats in an undifferentiated state, without having sex. The researchers further discovered that this feature of naked zokor iPS cells is related to the expression of two genes, and the activity of these two genes is related to cancer. In normal laboratory mice, the researchers also found that the expression of one of these genes can inhibit the development of cancer. The researchers said that the above findings not only help to find ways to extend life, but also help solve the risk of cancer caused by iPS cells in the field of regenerative medicine.