【Animal Model】-Renovascular Hypertension Model

  The renal vascular hypertension model is a model that causes the animal's renal arteries to narrow and raises blood pressure. According to different test methods, it can be divided into two kidneys and one clip type (left renal artery stenosis, both kidneys are preserved), one kidney one clip type (Left renal artery stenosis, right nephrectomy), two-kidney two-clamp type (bilateral renal artery stenosis, bilateral kidney preservation).

  (1) Copy method Dogs, rabbits, and rats can be modeled. The animal was fixed in the supine position after routine anesthesia, the abdominal cavity was opened aseptically, the left renal artery was carefully separated, and a U-shaped silver clip or Q-shaped silver ring was placed on the renal artery. The diameter of the ring used by 6~8kg dogs is 0.8~1.2mm, the diameter of rabbits is 0.5~0.8mm, and the diameter of 150~200g rats is 0.2~0.25mm. The blood flow decreases by 50%~70% after stenosis. Appropriate. The contralateral kidney can be preserved, removed, or renal artery stenosis can be performed according to the requirements of the experiment. After the first operation, if the blood pressure of the animal is deemed unsatisfactory, a second operation can be performed to remove the contralateral nephrectomy or renal artery stenosis. Generally, animals with systolic blood pressure greater than 160mmHg (21.3kPa) after 6 weeks are regarded as renovascular hypertensive animals. Animal surgery generally uses a paraspine incision on the back, but there are also reports advocating the use of a midline abdominal incision. The specific method is as follows:

  The dog can be fixed in the prone position after anesthesia. A sandbag is placed under the abdomen to padded the back, starting from 1.5 to 2 cm beside the spine, and the left side is about two fingers wide from the rib edge (the right side along the rib edge) as 4 cm long skin incision. Cut the subcutaneous tissue and abdominal dorsal fascia in turn, and cut the internal oblique fascia next to the junction of the internal and external oblique fascia, push open the longis dorsi muscle, and cut the transverse abdominis muscle covering the kidney along the muscle fibers. The muscles are separated. Use your finger to touch the kidney through the surgical area and find the renal artery. According to the required length, carefully bluntly separate a section of the renal artery, select a suitable size silver jacket to cover the renal artery, and finally suture the surgical incision in layers. Antibiotics can be given continuously for 1 week after operation. If an abdominal incision is made, the intestine is pushed open to expose the kidney. The operation method for rats is basically the same.

  (2) Model characteristics In a certain time range, the speed and degree of blood pressure increase in animals is directly proportional to the degree of arterial stenosis. If the renal artery stenosis is not enough, the animal cannot develop hypertension or only transient hypertension; if the renal artery stenosis is excessive, it is easy to cause renal necrosis, and the animal may die due to severe renal insufficiency, or unilateral renal function loss of the contralateral kidney The function is completely compensated without forming high blood pressure. Adult animals should be used for surgery. The use of juvenile animals can easily cause renal necrosis after renal artery stenosis. When separating the renal artery, attention should be paid to whether there are branches. If only the branches of the renal artery are narrowed, high blood pressure cannot be caused.

  (3) Comparative medicine Renal artery stenosis can cause kidney ischemia, leading to increased synthesis and secretion of renin in the kidney, which in turn increases the blood angiotensin content and raises blood pressure. The renovascular hypertension model is a commonly used hypertension model. This method is relatively simple to operate, has stable hypertension, and has many pathophysiology similar to human hypertension. The response to antihypertensive drugs is more consistent with that of hypertensive patients. It is suitable for anti-hypertension Blood pressure drug screening and efficacy evaluation.