How to use a negative pressure suction device to extract rat cerebrospinal fluid? -【Animal Modeling】

  Purpose: Use a negative pressure aspirator to extract rat cerebrospinal fluid to improve the success rate of rat cerebrospinal fluid collection?

  Method: Do you want to add a flow regulator to control the intensity of negative pressure? Limit the amount of cerebrospinal fluid each time. The original device was modified; 36 male SD rats were randomly divided into 3 groups, and the cerebrospinal fluid was divided into percutaneous tank, negative pressure aspirator, modified negative pressure aspirator and Kruskal-Wallis. The rank sum test is used to score 3. What is the difference between the two methods?

  Result: The improved negative pressure aspirator method can effectively reduce bleeding, and the quality of the cerebrospinal fluid produced is higher than that of the negative pressure aspirator method. (P\u003c0.01) and percutaneous cerebrospinal fluid puncture (P\u003c0.001), is the success rate of collecting qualified samples 75%?

  Conclusion: The improved negative pressure suction device is easy to manufacture, easy to operate and less damaged. It's hard to bleed. Can the success rate of rat cerebrospinal fluid collection be significantly improved?