【Animal Modeling】-How to build a mouse osteosarcoma model?

  Objective: To explore the key factors affecting the success rate of animal models of osteosarcoma.

  Method: 24 C3h mice aged 3-8 years old were randomly divided into two groups, including 6 types of C3h/HeJ and 18 types of C3h/HeN. In group A, after depilation with ordinary depilatory cream, 0.2 mL of LM8 cell suspension was injected into the lateral armpit at a concentration of 5 x 107 orders of magnitude/mL. In group B, the concentration of subcutaneous injection under the armpit was 5. After shaving with an animal razor, the injection site was locally massaged with 0.2 mL×107 LM8 cell suspension every day, and the growth of the tumor was recorded.

  Result: The proportion of tumors composed of A was 33% (4/12), and the proportion of tumors composed of B was 100%.

  Conclusion: Various injection techniques are very important for the carcinogenesis of LM8 and subsequent tumorigenesis.