【Animal model】-Hypertension model caused by medullary nerve compression

  (1) Reproduction method After conventional anesthesia, the adult experimental dogs were intubated trachea, and the right femoral artery was intubated, and the blood pressure was monitored by a multi-channel physiological recorder. Place the experimental dog in a lateral position, rotate 30°~45° to the non-surgical side, make a straight incision about 5cm in length along the posterior midpoint of the dog and make a straight incision about 5cm, reaching the center of the occipital muscle, and down to the level of C2, exposing the occipital crest. Abrasion part of the mastoid and occipital bones to form a bone window with a diameter of 1 cm; expose the cranial nerves under a microscope, carefully identify the vagus nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, and accessory nerve, and connect the adjacent anterior inferior cerebellar artery or posterior inferior cerebellar artery from the lateral medullary to the cerebellum Carefully separate the dorsolateral segment, free the proximal segment 1~1.5cm, and attach it to the left glossopharyngeal medulla, vagus nerve out of the brainstem segment to form direct compression, and place the silicone or latex balloon on the outside of the blood vessel for support Blood vessels to prevent their displacement. Systolic blood pressure (SAP), diastolic blood pressure (DAP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), and heart rate (HR) began to rise 1h after surgery, and blood pressure remained high after 6 weeks. The increase in SAP after surgery was greater than DAP After HR, there was a significant increase in speed compared with before operation, and MRI tomography showed that the signs of vascular compression were found in the Ⅸ and Ⅹ cranial nerves and the ventrolateral medulla of the model dog. This operation can also be performed with cats.

  (2) Features of the model This type of model used a balloon to directly compress the nerve. Now the anterior inferior or posterior inferior cerebellar artery near the left medulla is directly separated under a microscope, and then the balloon is used to support and fix it, and place it on the left side. The ventrolateral medulla, the Ⅸ and Ⅹ cranial nerves REZ and form compression, which simulates the compression relationship between the blood vessels and the left medulla oblongata and the Ⅸ and Ⅹ cranial nerves in the state of essential hypertension to the greatest extent, and its stability And the repeatability is better than the airbag compression device and the omentum compression method.

  (3) Comparative medicine This model more realistically simulates the pathogenesis of clinical neurogenic hypertension. There is no significant difference in blood pressure and heart rate at each observation stage after the operation, with good stability and reliable results. However, the operation is more complicated, and the shape of the canine skull is quite different. Spiral CT (SCT) and MR examinations are required before the operation to understand the anatomical structure and bony landmarks of the canine skull and guide the surgical approach. This type of model has fewer applications.