How to prepare quail atherosclerosis animal model?

  (1) Reproduction method Male quails weighing 90-110g and aged 5-6 weeks. Feed with 1% cholesterol, 1% lard, and 1% soybean oil mixed in feed. After 6 weeks, the serum cholesterol content increased significantly, aortic plaque appeared, the aortic intima was slightly changed, and a few foam cells were seen under the microscope. Scattered, the intima of the aorta was obviously thickened after 16 weeks, with obvious plaques, a large number of foam cells were seen under the microscope, the intima was obviously thickened, and the intima was obviously thickened, fibrous proliferation, and cell necrosis at 32-36 weeks And there is a necrotic zone. Increasing the proportion of feed fat can accelerate atherosclerosis. If it is reported that feeding with feed containing 14% lard, 6% peanut oil, and 1% cholesterol for 6 to 8 weeks, atherosclerotic plaques can be formed.

  (2) Features of the model This model is made of quail, the method is simple, and the mold rate is high. However, after 32-36 weeks of high-fat feeding, and 4-6 weeks of basic feed, the aortic intima thickness and plaque score were significantly reduced compared to when the high-fat diet was stopped, that is, the high-fat diet was stopped. After As, it is possible to recover spontaneously, and the modeling time has a certain correlation with the degree of disease. At the same time, due to the small size of the animal, less experimental drugs are consumed, and it is convenient to raise, manage, collect blood, and administer.

  (3) Comparative medicine The aortic lesions of quail model animals are similar to early fatty plaques in humans. The main lesions are severe at the bifurcation of the artery and confined to the intima. In the experiment, 1% cholesterol and 2% oil were used to induce As plaques in quails. The severity of the pathomorphological changes of As plaques is closely related to the modeling time. At 16 weeks, the arterial intima plaques are raised and the intima is obviously thickened. The number of smooth muscle cells is reduced, the nucleus is densely stained and pyknotic, and its pathological changes are similar to humans.