【Animal Modeling】-What are the effects of Schisandra syrup on bronchial asthma in mice?

  Introduction: Bronchial asthma is a common chronic airway inflammatory disease characterized by long-term recurrence. The clinical symptoms of bronchial asthma include shortness of breath, cough, chest tightness and wheezing, which are common in the morning and evening. Modern medicine believes that the causes of bronchial asthma include allergic reactions, airway inflammation, airway hyperresponsiveness, airway remodeling, neuromodulation mechanisms and psychological factors. Traditional herbal medicine believes that the cause of bronchial asthma is the result of "wind". Phlegm blocks the lungs, phlegm stagnation blocks asthma, and visceral differences are the causes of bronchial asthma. According to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, Gironkechuanin capsules can effectively relieve cough, reduce phlegm, reduce stress and relieve asthma. It is also used to treat acute and chronic bronchitis and has obvious therapeutic effects. Schisandra syrup is a traditional herbal medicine made from Schisandra. Schisandra has the effects of replenishing energy, activating blood, nourishing the kidneys and calming nerves, and can be used to treat chronic cough, shortness of breath, palpitation and insomnia. However, since it has not been confirmed that schisandra can treat bronchial asthma, Gironkechuanin capsules are used as a positive control drug, and schisandra is used as a reagent to observe the effect of mouse schisandra on bronchial asthma in mice.

  Animals: KM mice, half male and half male, weighing 18-22 grams. After three days of adaptive feeding, 60 Kunming mice were randomly divided into a normal control group of Schisandra chinensis, a bronchial asthma model group and a low-dose group, a medium-dose group and a high-dose group. Except for the blank group, 0.1 ml of sensitizing solution (10% ovalbumin and 10% aluminum hydroxide) was intraperitoneally administered on days 1, 4, and 8. After sensitization, smoking can cause the mice to have an asthma attack every 20 minutes for 7 days. Guilong Kechuanning capsule (1.125 g/kg), low, medium and high dose worm group (3μg/kg, 1.5μg/kg, 0.75 g/kg) orally once a day for 7 consecutive days. Give the model group and the blank group the same amount of normal saline. Index: Two hours after the last dose, measure the tidal volume, tracheal stenosis and respiratory rate with a lung function tester. Blood was taken from the orbit, the serum was cryopreserved, and the content of NO and IL-6 in the serum was detected. After the operation, the lungs and bronchi were collected, and the morphological changes were observed by HE staining. Results: The effect of bronchial asthma mice on lung function: Compared with the blank group, the respiratory rate and bronchial stenosis were significantly increased, and the tidal volume was significantly reduced. Compared with the model group, the low-dose, middle-dose and high-dose groups of schisandra significantly reduced the frequency of inhalation and the degree of bronchial stenosis, and significantly increased tidal volume. The effect of serum biochemical indicators on bronchial asthma mice: Compared with the blank group, the serum NO and IL-6 levels in the model group increased significantly. Compared with the model group, the levels of serum NO and IL-6 in the middle and high-dose schisandra group were significantly reduced, and the serum NO content in the low-dose schisandra group was significantly reduced. Study on lung morphology changes in mice with bronchial asthma: the structure of lung lobules is normal, alveolar epithelial cells are not degenerated, necrotic or shedding. There is no congestion or edema in the alveolar wall, no exudate in the alveolar and bronchial cavity, and no inflammatory cell infiltration in the interstitium. The bronchial wall is intact, the smooth muscle thickness is normal, and the cells are neatly arranged. No exudation or epithelial cells were found in the lumen, and no inflammatory cell infiltration was found in the matrix. Model group: Lung lobule structure is damaged, alveolar wall is obviously thickened, hyperemia, edema and inflammatory cell infiltration. The airway wall thickens, the lumen narrows, and part of the blood vessel wall becomes smooth muscle hyperplasia. The blood vessels and bronchi are surrounded by many inflammatory cells. Guilong Kechuanning Capsule Group: The lobular structure is close to normal. Sometimes, red blood cells, exudate and inflammatory cell infiltration are found in the alveolar cavity. The telangiectasia and alveolar wall congestion were significantly improved, the inflammatory cell infiltration around the alveolar wall was significantly reduced, and the bronchial mucosa was intact. High-dose alveolar group: the alveolar cavity gradually widened, the alveolar interval narrowed, and alveolar macrophages and dust cells were found on the alveolar wall. The bronchial mucosa was intact without inflammatory cell infiltration. Medium-dose and low-dose groups: Schisandra chinensis bronchial mucosal ducts were completely independent, the alveolar space gradually widened, and the alveolar space narrowed. A small amount of inflammatory cell infiltration was observed in the lung interstitium and blood vessels, and bleeding was observed in the interstitium. Through the RiDIT test, compared with the blank group, the lung tissue of the model group has obvious inflammatory morphological changes. Compared with the model group, the high-dose Schisandra chinensis group can significantly improve the morphological changes of lung tissue. Other groups can improve the morphological changes of lung tissue, but they are not statistically significant. The study of bronchial morphology in mice with bronchial asthma: the tracheal wall is intact, the wall and smooth muscle thickness are normal, there is no congestion and inflammatory cell infiltration. Model group: local exfoliation of mucosal epithelium, obvious thickening of basement membrane, vitreous changes, bronchial wall dilation, blood filling and surrounding inflammatory cell infiltration. Guilong Kechuanning Capsule Group: The tracheal lumen is narrow, the mucosa is slightly thicker, inflammatory cells are rarely infiltrated, and part of the epithelium is necrotic and shedding. High-dose Schisandra group: the mucosa was partially peeled off, the epithelium was slightly thickened, and the hyperemia and expansion were not obvious. A small amount of inflammatory cell infiltration. Middle-dose and low-dose groups: Schisandra is a local epithelial resection, with moderately proliferated cells and a slightly thicker basement membrane. There is a small amount of inflammatory cell infiltration in the peripheral blood vessels. Through the RiDIT test, compared with the blank group, the tracheal tissue of the model group has obvious inflammatory morphological changes. Compared with the model group, the high-dose schisandra group can significantly improve the morphology of bronchial tissue. Other groups can improve the morphological changes of bronchial tissue, but there is no statistical significance.

  Discussion: Asthma is a globally recognized medical problem, and the World Health Organization lists it as one of four refractory diseases. The main pathological basis of bronchial asthma is airway allergic inflammation, which is mainly infiltrated by mast cells, eosinophils and T lymphocytes. Other studies have shown that immune disorders are one of the key factors in the development of the disease. The clinical treatment of bronchial asthma is mainly to fight airway allergic inflammation, but the clinical effect is still unclear. Traditional herbal medicine believes that bronchial asthma belongs to the category of asthma syndrome. The cause and etiology are "asthma", lung and kidney damage, external pathogenic air, airway obstruction and sputum obstruction. Therefore, the recovery of lung and kidney function is very important for the treatment of bronchial asthma. Schisandra is inexpensive and can balance the organs of the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. It has the function of nourishing the kidneys and lungs and promoting the secretion of body fluids. Bronchial asthma is one of the most common airway inflammatory diseases in humans. It is very important to study the changes in the content of inflammatory factors in the pathogenesis. Nitric oxide (NO) is the main non-adrenal non-cholinergic nerve that causes bronchial smooth muscle relaxation and bronchiectasis. It can also increase capillary exudation, cause airway mucosal edema, and aggravate airway obstruction. O reacts with oxygen to form nitrite superoxide anions, release free radicals, destroy airway tissues, aggravate inflammation, cause high airway responsiveness, and cause asthma attacks or worsening. Excessive NO can promote vasodilation, promote the leaching of inflammatory cells and release inflammatory mediators. IL-6 is a cytokine with a variety of biological activities mainly produced by monocytes and macrophages, and is closely related to local inflammation. It participates in the body's inflammation and immune response, can stimulate and promote cell growth and the synthesis of inflammatory cytokines. High IL-6 levels indicate increased damage to vascular endothelial cells. Many literatures indicate that changes in serum IL-6 levels are closely related to asthma, and the increase in IL-6 levels can exacerbate airway inflammation. Chinese herbal medicine believes that lung stagnation is the main cause of repeated attacks such as asthma and cough. Therefore, in this study, NO, IL-6, and morphological changes of lung and bronchial tissues were selected as indicators of therapeutic effect. The experimental results showed that the mouse model of asthma was successfully replicated. Compared with the blank group, the respiratory rate, bronchial stenosis, serum NO and IL-6 levels in the model group were significantly increased, and the tidal volume was significantly reduced. Compared with the model group, Schisandra can reduce the serum respiratory rate, bronchial stenosis, serum NO and IL-6 levels, and increase tidal volume. The pathological changes of the bronchi and lung tissues have also been improved. Conclusion: Schisandra can reduce the levels of NO and IL-6 in the serum of mice, improve the morphology of bronchial and lung tissue lesions, and achieve the effect of treating bronchial asthma.