【Animal Modeling】-How to establish a cerebral ischemia model in Mongolian gerbils?

  Gerbil is a suitable model animal for cerebral ischemia research because it has no cerebrovascular mutations. The success rate of this model in the general gerbil population is very low, which affects the stability of the research results and cannot meet the experimental requirements. Animal welfare? On the basis of determining that the cerebrovascular Willis (COW) mutation loss loop is hereditary, our research team first reproduced people with high risk of cerebral ischemia through directed reproduction, and then established a cerebral ischemia model through homologous mating of all people Same gene mating line. The removal rate of sibling COW reached 76.62%, and the success rate of the model reached 88.89%. In addition, methods for the detection of allogeneic microsatellite DNA and biochemical locus genes have been established. We analyzed the cerebral ischemia model of non-breeding gerbils. Growth and development, blood physiology, biochemistry and other indicators laid the foundation for the popularization and application of this model. We also found that the VEGFA gene, AKT/PI3K and Notch signaling pathways are very important. Role in the development of cerebral blood vessels in gerbils By inhibiting subtractive hybridization, four genes related to the development of cerebral blood vessels in Mongolian gerbils were screened. The inbred line of the gerbil cerebral ischemia model has successfully solved the problem of low incidence of this model. We have reduced the number of animals used and improved research results. Will it promote research on reliability and stability and related mechanisms?