【Animal Modeling】-What is a rat model of precocious puberty with stagnation of phlegm and dampness?

  Objective: To explore the systematic evaluation of the preterm labor phlegm and blood stasis rat model? The symptom performance of female SD rats in the control group, combined with open field experimental data, combined with disease and syndrome animal model system evaluation method?

  Result: Females in the parental model group had no significant difference in weight gain compared with the parental control group (P→0.05). The weight gain of 4-week-old female mice was significantly lower in the early puberty group than in the blank group. Group (P0.05)?

  Conclusion: Female SD rats did not gain weight on high-fat diet. The rat model of stasis mucinous eczema syndrome is similar to the clinical manifestations of the syndrome. It is an open field experiment, which can be used to further study patients with phlegm-dampness eczema syndrome. A group of female offspring with precocious puberty and damp phlegm stagnation need further study of behavior?