Compare and analyze the differences between the three commonly used modeling methods in mouse models of early-onset ovarian dysfunction, and explore the modeling methods that meet the clinical charact

  Objective: To compare and analyze the differences of the three commonly used modeling methods in mouse models of early-onset ovarian dysfunction, and to explore a modeling method that meets the clinical characteristics of POI.

  Method: 96 ICR mice with regular estrus cycles were randomly divided into 4 groups: A control group, B ordinary crane group, C vinyl cyclohexene dioxide (VCD) group, and D galactose group. After adaptive feeding, different model-building interventions were carried out. 16 days, 46 days, and 76 days after intervention, 8 mice in each group were randomly carried out. Serum sex hormones in mice were tested, and physiological changes in ovaries and ovarian diseases were detected. Observe the uterus.

  Result: The number of E2 follicles in each model group is significantly different from that of the control group. Each model group had estrous cycle disorder, and the control group was negative.

  Conclusion: Intraperitoneal injection of VCD can damage the ovarian function of mice, resulting in a mouse POI model. This modeling method is simple, easy to implement, and has a high success rate. Among the three modeling methods, modeling is ideal and can be more convenient.