【Animal Modeling】-How to construct human BAFF transgenic zebrafish?

  [Abstract]: Objective To establish a human BAFF transgenic zebrafish model and explore its role in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. The plasmid Tol2-hBAFF expressing the human BAFF replacement gene was constructed by transfection in vitro, Western blotting confirmed the protein expression, and the recombinant vector was microinjected into zebrafish fertilized eggs. GFP fluorescence detection results human BAFF-GFP fusion protein was microinjected into zebrafish fertilization Tol2-hBAFF recombinant plasmid was used to express human BAFF to obtain recombinant zebrafish, which successfully expressed human BAFF zebrafish dpf embryos. Icarus expression was significantly reduced, indicating that the expression of human BAFF protein in zebrafish embryos led to early genes in the early lymphatic system expression. Conclusion The establishment of the research on the mechanism of transgenic zebrafish expressing human BAFF in the treatment of autoimmune diseases may be systemic zebrafish and is closely related to BAFF hyperactivity, providing a new tool with many benefits.