Scientists use animal modeling technology to successfully treat infertility using stem cells

  Whether stem cells can be used to treat infertility has been a controversial topic for many years. The classic theory holds that female eggs exist from birth. However, some researchers believe that stem cells can also produce new eggs. if possible. , Fertility treatment for women may be possible.

  In a recent research paper published in the international journal PNAS, researchers from the University of Gothenburg and other researchers stated through their research that the use of stem cells for fertility treatment is no longer a myth, the researcher Liu Kui said. In 2004, stem cells and infertility began to heat up, and many media were very interested. At that time, there were occasional media reports that stem cells could treat infertility.

  However, many scientists are doing their best to conduct research in this area, but it is not clear whether stem cells can be used to produce egg cells. In this study, the researchers studied mice and found that the use of stem cells can successfully treat infertility. Of course, the researchers say that the use of stem cells to treat human infertility will soon be realized.

  At present, researchers are studying the genetics and epigenetics of female germ cells. Once reliable research evidence is obtained in mouse model experiments, clinical practice will be carried out to prove the research results. The researchers said they will conduct human experiments. Researchers can use some advanced clinical technology to conduct more research in the later stage, and realize the use of stem cells to treat human infertility as soon as possible.