Scientists discover a new pathogenic mechanism of influenza virus through animal modeling technology

  Recently, the State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Diseases, jointly established by Guangzhou Medical University and Guangzhou Institute of Biomedical Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, discovered and confirmed the blocking effect of influenza A virus M2 protein for the first time in the world. An important mechanism for inhibiting autophagosome degradation through hydrogen ion channel activity and autophagosome lysosome fusion. Related results were recently published online in the "Journal of Virology".

  Research found that influenza virus infection affects the autophagy process, and influenza virus can cause autophagosome accumulation in vitro and in vivo. The research team discovered the M2 protein. It is found that it inhibits the fusion channel activity of autophagosomes and lysosomes and inhibits the degradation of autophagy through its ions. At the same time, the M2 protein that inhibits autophagy is independent of the Beclin1/PI3 kinase complex. I confirmed this. Signal transduction pathway. This study further clarified the mechanism of influenza virus autophagy, and provided important clues for further exploring the mechanism of autophagy-mediated inflammation and lung injury during influenza virus infection. It also has high pathogenicity through intervention and is useful for research on reducing sexual behavior. Provides important clues.