Animal modeling technology helps achieve double antibody therapy to cure Ebola infection

  The Ebola drug ZMapp played an important role during the peak of the Ebola epidemic, but its low production is a problem. Now, researchers have improved on this basis and introduced a double antibody therapy that can cure monkeys infected with Ebola virus for 3 days, and can reduce costs and increase production.

  The results of this study were published in the new issue of the American Journal of "Science-Translational Medicine". The first author is Qiu Xiangguo, a Chinese biologist from the Public Health Agency of Canada. The collaborator also includes Zhang Boyan from Beijing Tianguangshi Biotechnology Co., Ltd. The team and the Feng Jiannan team of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences.

  Qiu Xiangguo told Xinhua News Agency that there are two reasons for using double antibody therapy. One is that ZMapp is a drug composed of three antibodies. One of them is 4G7, which is difficult to produce, and the output is much lower than the other two. Antibodies; Second, the cost of using two antibodies is lower than using three antibodies.

  The two monoclonal antibodies 2G4 and 13C6 produced in

   Ye are very similar.

  Researchers first evaluated the protective effect of the drug on guinea pigs, and the results showed that its efficacy was not worse than that of ZMapp, and then used it to treat 3 monkeys infected with Ebola virus for 3 days. All 3 monkeys were cured.

  Qiu Xiangguo said that the results of this study are "exciting". In addition to reducing the cost of treating Ebola patients, it also helps to develop pan-Ebola virus therapy. The Ebola virus is divided into 5 types. ZMapp is only effective against the Zaire Ebola virus that has been circulating in the past two years, and a monoclonal antibody against other types of Ebola virus is added to the double antibody drug. , May be able to develop new therapies that are effective for two or three types of Ebola virus.

  ZMapp is an Ebola drug produced by Max Planck Biopharmaceuticals. It was used as an experimental drug at the peak of the Ebola epidemic in 2014 and achieved some results. The two antibodies used by ZMapp were developed by Qiu Xiangguo and others.