Discover new treatments for Alzheimer

  American neuroscientists have discovered an upgraded brain protein neuromodulin 1 (NRG1), which can effectively treat Alzheimer's disease.

  Alzheimer's disease is generally considered to be caused by the excessive accumulation of a pathogenic substance called beta amyloid in neurons. This β-amyloid protein is involved in the repair of damaged proteins. It is formed by proteolysis of β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) and can be combined with protein molecules. Amyloid β can also cause the appearance of amyloid plaques and the death of nerve cells.

  Scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences in La Jolla, USA recently released a protein with a clearing function, which not only clears protein plaques in the brain, but also reduces the formation of slow beta-amyloid plaques. .Find.

  Scientists experimented with mice with Alzheimer's disease and put a special virus with a neuregulin 1 replication gene into the mouse brain. The purpose is to cultivate mouse neuregulin 1 in vivo during the experiment, scientists instruct the mice to find the exit of the maze to observe whether neuregulin 1 can improve the memory of mice and reduce neuroprotein plaques. Experiments have shown that neuregulin 1 can improve the memory of mice and eliminate β-amyloid plaques.

  At present, scientists are still unclear on the specific reasons for this phenomenon. However, they believe that neuregulin 1 can stimulate the production of enkephalinase. Enkephalinase is another peptide that can break down protein clumps. However, whether this is the case or not, you have to wait until the latest experimental results are verified.

  In addition, scientists also stated that the main advantage of neuregulin is that it can flexibly overcome barriers between the brain and other parts of the body and respond flexibly to the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.