Research on new coronavirus pneumonia through animal modeling technology

  Coronavirus disease 2019 is an acute infectious pneumonia. The first symptoms of infected patients are mainly fatigue, dry cough and fever, and more serious symptoms such as dyspnea gradually appear.

  At present, there is still not a complete understanding of the infection pathway, development, vaccine research and development, treatment of the new type of coronavirus pneumonia. Animal models are widely used to study the causes of various human diseases. At present, there is no suitable animal model that can fully simulate the clinical manifestations of patients with new coronavirus pneumonia to determine its etiology. Therefore, it is very important to establish and screen animal models suitable for the study of coronavirus pneumonia.

  This article reviews the current research status of animal models of new coronary pneumonia, compares the advantages and disadvantages of different animal models in basic research of new coronary pneumonia, as well as the latest research progress in different types of animals. Provide a reference for the detailed development of experimental animal models of novel coronavirus pneumonia in the post-new crown era.