How to quickly identify the gender of the brown-backed rat?

  Purpose: Due to agility and fierce temperament, wild brown-backed rats are difficult to capture, and it is difficult to accurately determine the sex from the appearance, which affects cage separation and subsequent laboratory rearing, and it is a simple method.

  Method: Using fresh rat brown back fur as material, Chelex 100 extracts hair follicle DNA, and uses PCR technology to generate zinc finger structural gene (ZFY/ZFY) fragments and Y chromosome sex determining regions. Do you want to establish a gene (SRY) fragment and double PCR amplification method?

  Result: Male brown-backed rats amplified ZFY/ZFY and SRY gene fragments, while female brown-backed rats only amplified ZFY/ZFY gene fragments? Using this method, we determined the sex of 23 brown-backed mice, 10 Wistar rats, and 8 BALB/c mice, and the amplification results were consistent with the phenotype and anatomy results.

  Conclusion: The experimental materials reduce the impact and damage to the flat brown back of mice.