【Animal Modeling】-How to detect and analyze the behavior of Rncat mice with congenital cataract

  Objective: To detect and analyze the behavioral changes of Rncat mice with congenital cataract.

  Method: Take normal BALB/c mice and KM mice as controls, and inbred and randomly bred Rncat mice with congenital cataracts as the experimental group for mouse behavior testing (open field experiment, hanger experiment). Forced swimming experiment, tail suspension experiment).

  Results: Compared with inbred Rncat congenital cataract mice, BALB/c mice, randomly mated congenital cataract Rncat mice, and KM mice, the residence time, forced swimming, and tail suspension experiments are superior. The difference in resting time is important.

  Conclusion: The behavioral test results of Rncat mice with congenital cataracts are different from those of other mice, which is helpful to the experimenter.