How to study the reovirus infection model? -【Animal Modeling】

  Objective: To study the characteristics of tree shrew virus causing immune changes, and to provide a theoretical basis for the prevention and control of tree shrew virus.

  Method: Choose 40-50 days old tree shrews and divide them into 3 groups (MRV1/TS/2011 virus strain, MRV3/TS/2013 virus strain, blank control). On day 1, day 8, day 21, day 28 after gavage, tail vein blood sample, viral load RT? PCR detection, flow cytometry detection of CD4/CD8/CD19, IFN? γ Elisa detection.

  Result: On the 14th day of infection, the tree shrew viral load decreased, and the number of CD4+ and CD19+ cells in the MRV1/TS/2011 and MRV3/TS/2013 groups reached their peaks. Among them, CD4+ peaked on the first day after infection. In the case of MRV1/TS/2011, the expression level is high, which is significantly different from the control group. CD8 + cell count and interferon? γ expression peaked on the 21st day of infection. The CD4+ expression level was higher after MRV1/TS/2011 infection, and the CD8+ expression level after MRV3/TS/2013 infection was higher.

  Conclusion: After infection with MRV1/TS/2011 and MRV3/TS/2013, CD4/CD8/CD19 and IFN? The change in γ is obtained in advance after the body is infected. CD4 + cells play a major role in stimulation. The body's humoral immunity; MRV3/TS/2013 may mainly affect the body's cellular immunity. Humoral immunity significantly increases virus expression and only works in the later stages of infection. CD8 + cells and interferon? γ participates in cell-mediated immunity. Antiviral response. CD4 + cells may be more sensitive to type 1 reoviridae, while CD19 + cells may be more sensitive to type 3 reoviridae. The study on the infection characteristics of tree shrew virus and the virus prevention and control of tree shrew itself has certain guiding significance.