【Animal Modeling】-How to analyze the flora in the large intestine of tree shrews?

  Purpose: Do you want to use high-throughput sequencing technology to analyze the structure and composition of tree shrew colon bacteria?

  Method: Collect the contents of the large intestine of three male tree shrews and amplify V3 with bacterial 16SDNA universal primers? Use the Illumina PE250 platform to sequence the V4 region?

  Result: A total of 160,157 effective sequences were obtained, and 437 operational taxa (OTU) were obtained after clustering. There are 9 Phlums, 19 classes, 37 commands and 68. Shrew large intestine 137 species, 194 species of bacteria? Among them, (1) Firmicutes and Proteobacteria have the most content, respectively 63.30 28.52? (2) Dominant classes are Bacillus and γ? (51.46?8.02③ Lactobacillus and Enterobacter

  Purpose: The most abundant 45.33? 27.51? ④The dominant family is Lactobacillus (35.30 Enterobacteriaceae (27.51 ⑤ Lactobacillus is Prolactobacillus and Escherichia coli. (35.30?7.49) At the species level, the abundance of cultivable bacteria is 37.10 ? Unclassified bacteria is 27.69? Uncultured bacteria is 35.21? These eight unclassified species (40? Are they new species that have never been discovered? Are there differences in bacterial communities between individuals?

  Conclusion: The composition of bacteria in the large intestine contents of tree shrews is diverse. Among them, there are many relatively abundant bacteria that have not yet been classified or identified.