【Animal Modeling】-How to improve the fixation method of the common carotid artery in New Zealand rabbits?

  Goal: How to find something stable and not easy to fall off? New Zealand rabbit common carotid artery fusion method allows regular and continuous blood sampling?

  Method: After the animal was anesthetized, the left common carotid artery was incised, and the BD closed vein indwelling needle (after Y puncture was successful, the mousse suture was ligated before, during and after the indwelling needle. The sternohyoid muscle and sternohyoid bone were sutured at three points Prevent incision. Skin behind neck?

  Results: The carotid artery occlusion rate in the control group was 35? The modified group was 5? The carotid artery loss rate in the control group was 30? Did the experimental group fall off? Is the common carotid artery tube occluded in the 2 groups? Is there a significant difference in the rate of arterial duct shedding? Pu003c0.05)?

  Conclusion: Three-point suture to fix the BD needle of the left common carotid artery of New Zealand rabbits can restrict the front and back movement of the BD needle, which is stable and effective. The goal is clear and the stay is long. Continuous blood sampling lays the foundation for success.