【Animal Modeling】-How to screen the specific expression genes in the hind limbs of mice?

  Objective: How to compare the changes in gene expression profiles of mouse forelimbs and screen the genes specifically expressed in mouse hindlimbs?

  Method: Use NCBIGEO database to search mouse forelimb gene expression chip. Then, use the transcriptome analysis console software to control the quality of the original data (5 forelimb E10.5d chips and 4 hindlimb E10.5d chips), and multiply the difference by more than or less than 0.5 times. Use and use a P value less than 0.05 for data filtering, draw a volcano map of differentially expressed genes, and draw a molecular network map of interactions of genes specifically expressed in hindlimbs through cluster analysis?

  Result: Compared with the forelimb containing 45 up-regulated genes and 230 down-regulated genes, mouse embryo E10 hindlimbs have 275 differentially expressed genes. 5d. The molecular network map of the differential genes specifically expressed in the hind limbs, find the core genes specifically expressed in the hind limbs, and use qPCR to detect some genes. Is it consistent with the microarray results?

  Conclusion: The mouse expression profile chip successfully screened hindlimb-specific expression.