【Animal Modeling】-The mechanism of mouse germ cell-specific transcription factor SOHLH1 regulating Sox30 gene expression

  Purpose: SOHLH1 (spermogenesis-androgen-specific bHLH transcription factor-1) and SOX30 (SRYbox) are transcription factors related to spermatogenesis. Will Sohlh1 and Sox30 knockout male mice lose their fertility? This article is studying the transcriptional regulation of SOHLH1. SOHLH1 is a transcription factor related to the early development of the Sox30 gene (an important gene for late spermatogenesis)?

  Method: Should I construct a Sox30 promoter luciferase expression plasmid and temporarily co-transfect it? Do you use Sox30 luciferase expression plasmid and Sohlh1 eukaryotic expression plasmid and luciferase activity measurement to detect fluorescence values? Do you want to use the chromatin immunoprecipitation test to detect the specific sequence combination of the SOHLH1 and Sox30 promoter DNA sequences and screen the main activation sites?

  Result: Is the ratio of the experimental group co-transfected with luciferase activity Sohlh1 eukaryotic expression plasmid and Sox30 promoter region luciferase plasmid higher than that of the control group? SOHLH1 binds to the -489bp site, which is a specific site of the Sox30 promoter. The strongest combination effect?

  Conclusion: SOHLH1 is an important transcription factor for early spermatogenesis, which can directly activate the transcription of acrosome formation-related gene Sox30. -489bp (CAGGTG) enriches the delayed translational expression during spermatogenesis and is a major specific binding site. A preliminary exploration of director profile and supervision mechanism?