【Animal Modeling】-How to screen Alzheimer's disease mouse models?

  Objective: How to analyze the differentially expressed genes in the prefrontal cortex of Alzheimer's disease (AD) model mice, and determine the cause of AD at the transcriptome level?

  Method: In this study, five 9-month-old female APPswe/PS1ΔE9 (PAP) model mice and wild-type C57BL/6J mice were extracted, and the prefrontal lobe RNA was extracted and sequenced with Illumina HiSeq 3000. Do you use EdgeR software to analyze the importance of formula differences? AD and control group analyzed changes in gene expression and used qRT. PCR verification of the six main differentially expressed genes? Next, do you perform a cluster analysis of the differentially expressed genes?

  Result: There are 224 differentially expressed genes (P1.0) between the AD group and the control group, of which 205 are up-regulated and 19 are down-regulated? 6 major genes qRT? Does the PCR verification result match NA? trend? Does the result of GO enhancement analysis mean that these differentially expressed genes are immune responses? inflammation? It has been shown to be related to chemokine activity and IgG binding. KEGG pathway enrichment analysis results show that these genes are involved in phagocytosis, lysosome, Toll-like receptor signaling pathway and cytokine receptor interaction. κB signal. Pathways and other important biological pathways?

  Conclusion: Obtaining AD-related differentially expressed genes to provide experimental evidence for the application of model mice in AD-related mechanisms and treatment research?