Identification and annotation of pig immunoglobulin genes

  Purpose: This study aims to identify porcine immunoglobulin genes, to lay a solid foundation for the study of disease resistance in pigs, and has certain significance for pig breeding and medical model animals.

  Method: Use Blast+, R, DNAstar, WebLogo and other software to predict and classify porcine immunoglobulin genes through human immunoglobulin gene information.

  Result: A total of 43 porcine immunoglobulin heavy chain (IGH) genes were identified, which were divided into 7 gene families. The 27 immunoglobulin kappa light chain (IGK) genes have been divided into six gene families. Immunoglobulin has 25 lambda light chain (IGL divided into 9 gene families) genes.

  Conclusion: We have discovered 43 porcine immunoglobulin heavy chain genes, which may contain pseudogenes. At the same time, the ratio of the two light chain genes in porcine immunoglobulin is close, which may be related to its immune characteristics, but relevant experimental data are still needed for research.