Using genetic diversity mouse resources to screen CA16 pathogenicity-related genes

  Objective: Coxsackievirus A16 (Coxsackievirus A16, CA16) is one of the main pathogens of hand, foot and mouth disease, and its pathogenic mechanism is still unclear. In this study, genetic diversity mice (GeneticDiversityMice) were used to screen CA16 pathogenicity-related genes, and the pathogenic mechanism of the virus was studied in detail.

  Method: Select 23 genetically diverse mouse strains as the experimental group, and self-bred C57BL/6 mice as the negative control group. All were infected with 107 CA16 viruses from the abdominal cavity. Collect blood and skeletal muscle samples from the hind limbs and perform actual measurements. -Time fluorescence quantitative PCR Next, use the viral load of the sample to analyze and screen the infection data using TheGeneMine system gene database to obtain CA16 pathogenicity-related genes.

  Result: Based on the screening criteria, the virus copy number in the blood and muscle of infected mice exceeds 104 Copies/(μL/mg), resulting in seven genetically diverse mouse strains that are sensitive to CA16. I will. At the same time, based on the corresponding data analysis of TheGeneMine Professional Database, we found that mouse chromosomes 3 and 4 are most closely related to the pathogenicity of CA16, and ultimately are related to the pathogenicity of CA16. 16 genes that may be related to the pathogenicity of CA16 were screened out.

  Conclusion: The genetic diversity of mouse resources provides new ideas for the research of CA16 pathogenicity-related genes.