【Animal Modeling】-How to analyze spontaneous lesions in young SD rats?

  Purpose: To study the development of spontaneous lesions in SPFSD young mice, and to provide data for preclinical drug safety evaluation, especially for pediatric drugs.

  Methods: In the repeated dose toxicity study on young SD rats in the past 2 years, the negative control groups of 51 days (PND51), 65 days (PND65), 111 days (PND111) and 139 days (PND139) were collected Rats, preparation method Take pathological sections, observe the lesion type and histomorphological characteristics of SD rats under a light microscope, and count the incidence of lesions.

  Result: The spontaneous lesions of SPF SD young rats at various developmental stages were analyzed and reported, including heart, liver, kidney and other organ lesions. The incidence and extent of natural liver, heart, and kidney damage vary from rat to rat. Physical development is improved and deepened.

  Conclusion: The natural pathological changes of SPFSD pups at different developmental stages and their incidence can provide a reference for repeated dosing toxicity studies.