Minocycline inhibits hyperpolarization activation currents of glial neurons in the spinal dorsal horn of rats

  Objective: To study the effect of minocycline on hyperpolarization activation current (Ih) of rat dorsal horn glial (SG) neurons.

  Methods: Choose 3-5 week old male SD rats to make a cross-section of spinal cord in vitro, use whole-cell patch clamp technique and different concentrations of minocycline (1) to record SG neurons at Ih (1) (1) . perfusion? 300 μmol/L) and observe. Impact on Ih.

  Result: About 50 recording SG neurons can record Ih, and the current is blocked by Ih blockers CsCl and ZD7288. Minocycline can reduce Ih amplitude and Ih current density. This effect is reversible and dose-dependent. The half effective inhibitory concentration (IC50) is 34 μmol/L.

  Conclusion: Minocycline may inhibit the Ih of SG neurons in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and reduce the excitability of SG neurons. This is very important to control pain.