Immune protection of Sap2 protein and dendritic cells against systemic Candida albicans infection

  Objective: To immunize mice with recombinant protein and dendritic cells (DC) to observe its protective effect on systemic Candida albicans.

  Method: Prokaryotic expression and induction of Candida albicans Sap2 protein expression; After Candida albicans spores and hyphae suspension are sensitized to mouse DC, the mice are divided into 5 groups, recombinant protein and triple sensitized DC. The sensitized DC and DC were used to immunize., Sap2, Sap2, PBS, to reconstruct the systemic Candida albicans infection model, observe the mouse survival rate, kidney pathological section, number of kidney-negative bacteria, and detect the percentage of CD4+ and CD8+.

  Result: The pET32a-Sap2 prokaryotic expression vector was successfully constructed, and the expression, collection and purification of the target protein were induced. Recombinant protein, sensitized DC, DC, and Sap2 protein can effectively prolong the survival period of mice with systemic Candida albicans infection, protect the kidneys, and enhance immunity.

  Conclusion: Multi-component compound immunity can fully resist systemic Candida albicans infection, laying the foundation for the research of new multi-component compound vaccines.