[Animal Modeling]-Preparation of rat thoracic aorta vascular smooth muscle cells by an improved two-step compound enzyme digestion method

  OBJECTIVE: This article reports an improved method for isolating rat thoracic aortic vascular smooth muscle cells based on complex enzyme digestion.

  Method: Digest the thoracic aorta with collagenase and tryptic peptidase complex enzyme, remove the intima and adventitia, and then digest the medium again to release vascular smooth muscle cells.

  Result: After the cells are separated, they grow adherently, showing a spindle shape, showing typical "peak-to-valley" growth, and can be subcultured within 1 week. A variety of molecular marker genes for contracting vascular smooth muscle cells have been isolated, and they are highly expressed in cells. Cells above 95° are significantly positive for α-SMA and myosin-II.

  Conclusion: This separation method is simple, easy to implement, reproducible, and the obtained cells have high viability and high purity, so a large number of contractile vascular smooth muscle cells can be obtained in a short time.