How to prepare rat sinusitis model?

  1. Non-nasal infection sinusitis model

  (1) Method of replication ①Method of directly injecting bacteria into the sinus cavity: Use an adult male rat weighing 200-250g to directly inject a certain amount of bacteria into the sinus cavity of the rat through an injection needle with a syringe, without blocking the sinus mouth after injection , According to experimental requirements, bacteria can be injected into the sinuses repeatedly. ②Surgical intervention method: use adult male rats weighing 200-250g to be anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of pentobarbital sodium at a dose of 30 mg/kg body weight, then use sterile surgery to open the sinus cavity and block the sinus opening , And at the same time use a syringe to inoculate a certain amount of bacteria into the sinus cavity through the injection needle.

  (2) Model characteristics The sinusitis model established by the above two methods, its intranasal sinus inflammation is mainly confined to the maxillary sinus, and its pathological characteristics are almost necrotizing infections, which seem to be closer to abscesses than clinically human sinus inflammation , And obviously lack the staging of inflammation. The rat model of sinusitis established by surgical intervention has a higher success rate and a shorter period of modeling; however, because the operation destroys the integrity of the sinus cavity, it can cause pathological damage to the sinus mucosa and postoperative inflammation. Simultaneously, surgical operation on the paranasal sinuses of model animals can also destroy the capillary vascular system and nasal mucosal ciliary delivery system of the paranasal sinus tissue, and affect the histopathological observation of the paranasal mucosa; therefore, it is best to close the sinus opening from the root of the nose to induce A model of sinusitis with less interference factors and more reliable results.

  (3) Comparative Medicine Clinically, in human patients with sinusitis, inflammation of only one sinus is relatively rare, and it is often manifested as multiple sinuses or even all sinuses. In human patients with sinusitis, complete blockage of the sinuses can often lead to mucous cysts and fungal diseases. The early pathophysiological changes of the sinusitis model established by the bacterial infection method are not completely consistent with the pathophysiological changes of human sinusitis, because the main route of infection of human sinusitis is rhinogenic infection.

  2. Rhinogenic infection and sinusitis model

  (1) Replication method Use adult male rats weighing 200-250g to directly block the nasal cavity of sterile lint containing Streptococcus pneumoniae type 3 with a syringe to induce a sinusitis model that is more in line with the pathophysiology of human sinusitis .

  (2) Characteristics of the model The tracheal inflammation of the model established by this method reaches a peak 10 to 14 days after the transplantation of the foreign body, chronic signs begin to appear at the 4th week, and complete chronic sinusitis at the 6th week. The model making method is extremely simple, without any surgical operation and other complicated experimental manipulation methods. The animal's nasal cavity is not opened during the model making process, which avoids the damage to the animal's sinus mucosa caused by the surgical opening of the nasal cavity and the interference with the experimental results. influences.

  (3) Comparative medicine The model replicated by this method is more in line with the clinical pathophysiology of human rhinosinusitis than the non-nasal infection model of sinusitis. However, this model has not achieved satisfactory results in terms of the incidence of inflammation and the degree of development of inflammation. Therefore, further improvements and explorations are needed in the production methods and technology of the model. The rhinosinusitis model established by this method has good practical value in studying the pathogenesis and drug treatment of human sinusitis.