【Animal Modeling】-The lipid-lowering effect of citrus polymethoxyflavonoid biscuits on hyperlipidemia mice

  OBJECTIVE: This study was the first to evaluate the lipid-lowering effect of adding citrus polymethoxyflavonoid powder in biscuits in a hyperlipidemia mouse model by measuring lipid metabolism experimental indicators, aiming to provide a new type of functional food.

  Methods: 60 male KM mice were randomly divided into 6 groups, fed for 6 weeks to establish a high-fat mouse model and fed with corresponding biscuits. After 6 weeks of feeding, changes in body weight, Lee index, and biochemical indexes of mice and liver tissues , And measure changes in serum lipid content.

  Results: After 6 weeks, mouse body weight, Lee index, organ changes, liver tissue biochemical indicators, blood lipid levels, and all polymethoxyflavonoid biscuits increased body weight in hyperlipidemia mice, showing that it can inhibit dyslipidemia and reduce hyperlipidemia. Lee exponents rats, I can.

  Conclusion: Polymethoxy flavonoid biscuits can significantly improve the common biochemical index dyslipidemia in the serum of high-fat model mice. The effect of lipid-lowering biscuits on blood lipids in mice: Lipid-lowering biscuits have a significant effect on triglycerides (TG), have no effect on high-density lipoprotein (HDL-C), and also have an effect on low-density lipoprotein. (LDL-C) is more obvious. It has been clear that it may play a role in the treatment and health management of dyslipidemia, fatty liver and other related diseases caused by dyslipidemia.