How to prepare an animal model of acute pharyngitis?

  (1) Reproduction method Rats weighing about 200g are kept in a clean environment. Spray the animal's pharynx with 15% ammonia water with the throat sprayer every morning and afternoon, for 3 days, spray 3 presses with the sprayer each time. Carefully observe the appearance of the animal every day, and use a medical frontal mirror and pressure plate to observe the animal's pharynx once a day, including the shape and color of the mucous membrane. On the 4th day, the rats were cut off their tails and blood smears were taken to determine the blood routine. After the rats were put to death through the femoral artery, the pharyngeal mucosa and its underlying tissues were immediately removed for routine tissue sectioning and transmission electron microscopy specimens for microscopic pathology Morphological and ultrastructural observation. Before the animals were sacrificed, their tails were cut and blood smears were taken to determine blood routine.

  (2) Model characteristics From the second day of modeling, the model rats began to have symptoms and signs such as scratching the mouth, drinking frequently and drinking a lot, pharyngeal hyperemia, bright red, swelling, etc. The symptoms were more obvious on the third day. The lymphocytes in the blood have increased. Microscopic histopathological observation showed that the outer layer of the mucosal epithelium of the rat pharyngeal tissue was keratinized, partly peeled off, and the epithelial layer was obviously hyperplastic. The submucosa was thinner and there was no obvious dividing line between the propria propria. ; Part of the mucous gland epithelial cell necrosis, necrotic mucous glands can form vacuoles or unstructured mucus network; a large number of inflammatory cell infiltrations can be seen in the propria propria and between it and the mucous glands, and in the muscle layer below the propria propria Irregular arrangement of muscle fibers. The ultrastructure observation of pharynx tissue under transmission electron microscope showed that the submucosal cells of the animal pharynx were pyknotic, their ultrastructure was destroyed, organelles were disintegrated, and part of the nuclear chromatin was irregularly networked: mitochondria were arranged disorderly, with obvious degeneration and swelling. The cristae are reduced and short, some form a myelin-like structure, a few can form a tubular cristae, and some matrix electron density is reduced, making it spotty and vacuole; the rough endoplasmic reticulum in the cytoplasm expands significantly. The model making method is simple and easy to implement, with obvious disease characteristics.

  (3) Comparative Medicine Acute pharyngitis is a common clinical disease and frequently-occurring disease. Human body inhalation of irritating chemical gases is one of the main pathogenic factors. This model uses the method of spraying ammonia in the pharynx, which can simulate the clinical factors of acute pharyngitis in humans. Ammonia is used as an alkaline irritant, and its high-concentration local spray can stimulate the mucous membrane of the animal’s pharynx, causing it to become hyperemic and swollen and form acute inflammation. The observation results of clinical manifestations, pathological morphology, ultrastructure and other aspects of model animals can show the pathophysiological characteristics of typical acute pharyngitis, which are basically the same as the clinical pathological manifestations of human acute pharyngitis. The animal model replicated by this method can be used for clinical research on acute pharyngitis drug treatment and drug screening.