How to prepare oral ulcer animal model?

  (1) Copy method SD rats weighing 150-180 g. Take a 6cm-long glass tube with a diameter of 3mm at the lower end. A small cotton ball is built in, so that the bottom of the small cotton ball is level with the lower mouth of the glass tube, and then a 90% carbolic acid solution is dripped into the glass tube until the small cotton ball is just soaked. Then the lower end of the glass tube was placed flat on the buccal mucosa on the inner side of the left mouth corner of the rat. After 30 seconds of cauterization, a white lesion with a diameter of about 3mm appeared in the mucosa of this area. The ulcer is round or oval, about 0.5mm deep and covered by a gray-white pseudomembrane. The flushing, swelling, and pain of the oral mucosa were observed on several days after the administration, and the mouth temperature was measured and the diameter of the ulcer surface was measured with a vernier caliper and statistically processed.

  (2) Model characteristics The method of oral mucosal ulcer in rats caused by carbolic acid is simple, and the oral mucosal injury is relatively intuitive. However, oral mucosal ulcers belong to the categories of aphthous and tongue ulcers in traditional Chinese medicine. The syndrome differentiation is divided into deficiency and excess. The real ones can be treated by heart fire or fumigation by stomach fire, and heart and spleen heat. This type; although those with deficiency have insufficient kidney yang, those with deficiency of fire rise. However, most of them are loss of viscera and yin, and the deficiency of fire is strong. Every time you encounter troubles, depression, anger, or exogenous warmth and evil toxins, it will cause the accumulation of yang and turn the fire into poison. If the internal damp heat is improperly treated, it will become a mixture of deficiency and reality, and repeated attacks , Lingering is hard to heal. Modern medicine generally focuses on local antibacterial, supplemented by symptomatic treatments such as analgesia and anti-inflammatory. Therefore, it can effectively promote the recovery of rat oral mucosal ulcers caused by carbolic acid and must cooperate with anti-inflammatory and analgesic, astringent, and decaying indexes.

  (3) Comparative medicine. Human oral mucosal ulcer is a common disease in stomatology. Severe pain affects diet. This disease is often a syndrome of gastric fever. It is caused by a variety of reasons. Some are caused by oral mucosal injury and secondary infection or bacterial stomatitis. As a result, some are part of systemic diseases, so they are mostly recurrent aphthous. The diameter of the ulcer is 4~15mm, and the course of disease is 2d~5 years. The treatment methods are mostly integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine, such as borneol, vitamin B, vitamin C, dexamethasone, erythromycin, metronidazole, and caine powder. Dip a cotton swab to disperse the ulcer and apply it on the surface of the ulcer, 3 times a day. Patients are also asked to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, eat less fried, fried and irritating foods, and rinse their mouths and clean them promptly after eating. However, the food habits of rats are quite different from that of humans, and they cannot fully simulate the complex etiology of human oral mucosal ulcers. Differences in etiology can easily lead to false positive or false positive results.