【Animal Modeling】-The effect of different litter on the learning and memory ability of SPF KM mice

  Objective: To explore the effects of non-professional treatment of straw bedding, corn cochlear bedding, shavings bedding, and paper bedding on the learning and memory abilities of SPF Kunming mice (KM), and the effects of various bedding on the behavior of mice. .

  Method: Select 24 SPF-grade KM mice and feed them with wheat essence bedding, wood shavings, corncobs and paper bedding for 8 weeks, and then conduct the MORRIS water maze behavior experiment to conduct behavior changes and learning. I investigated my memory. Ability difference.

  Result: The improvement of learning and memory ability in straw group was significantly higher than that in shaving group (Pu003c0.05). In the water maze experiment, there was no significant difference in weight gain between the groups. The results of positioning and navigation experiments showed that the escape latency of the straw group on day 5 was significantly lower than that of the other three groups (Pu003c0.05), and the difference in remaining time was not significant. The results of the space exploration experiment showed the number of times the straw hat group mouse passed the original platform position. The swimming time is longer than the other three groups.

  Conclusion: In the water maze experiment, the difference of litters has little effect on the body weight of KM mice. The effect of straw bedding on the learning and memory ability of KM mice is better than that of shavings and corncob bedding. Respected. Use straw bedding to facilitate the use of experimental animals to contact the bedding.