【Animal Modeling】-How to build an animal model of asthma?

  Objective: To analyze the modeling elements of asthma animal models, improve the success rate of modeling, and provide methodological references for the effective evaluation of research drugs.

  Method: Search articles related to China Knowledge Network (January 2009-August 2019), types of experimental animals, methods of excitement, sensitization, collection methods, detection indicators, etc., with the theme of asthma and animal models. Establish a database and perform statistical analysis.

  Result: included in 118 journal articles that meet the criteria. Among them, the most used types of experimental animals are BALB/c mice (43 times, 36.4? and SD rats (42 times, 35.5?, the most used). The excitation method is aerosol excitation (102 times,) 86.4?, the most common)). Use) sensitization method is orbbumin (OVA) sensitization (107 times, 90.6?, the most detected index is lung histopathology (92 times), frequency, 77.9. Serum. Biochemical index (49 times, 41.5?, alveolar perfusion) Wash fluid) humoral cells (42 times, 35.6?, lung tissue immunohistochemistry (40 times, 33.9?, alveolar lavage fluid) alveolar lavage fluid (39 times), biochemical indicators in the supernatant (39 times, 33.1)? Wait)

  Conclusion: To establish an asthma animal model, use BALB/C mice or SD rats as experimental animals, spray sensitized, and use OVA as the sensitizing antigen of the model can increase the success rate. According to the selection of indicators, the lungs should undergo histopathological examination, serum biochemical indicators, cell classification, alveoli. The amount of lavage fluid is effective to make the test drug effective. It can be evaluated and provide a basis for better asthma animal research.