New height of school-enterprise cooperation,Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine and Zvast-Bio held the awarding ceremony of the postgraduate joint training base.

The Innovation Base for the Graduate Education of Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine

Opening Ceremony of Postgraduate Training Base


  On August 11, 2021, the awarding ceremony of the joint training base for graduate students of Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine was officially held in the conference room on the second floor of Jiangxi Zvast-Biotechnology Co.Ltd.! Zhang Xinyou, Dean of the Graduate School of Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine, and Jiang Bin, General Manager of Zvast-Bio, attended the awarding ceremony. Graduate School Secretary Liu Renmin, Vice Dean Yuan Fuqiang, Director Yan Zhihong of the Great Instrument Center, and Dr. Yuan Yongming, R&D Director of Zvast-Bio, attended the awarding ceremony.

  At the licensing ceremony, Zhang Xinyou, Dean of the Graduate School, fully affirmed and highly recognized the human disease animal model developed by Zvast-Bio . He pointed out that experimental animal models are currently a sunshine industry strongly supported by the state and can make outstanding contributions to human health. As the head company of animal models, Zhonghong Boyuan has huge room for development in the future. Dean Zhang hopes that through the co-construction of the graduate training base, the role of universities in production, education and research will be fully utilized, and Zvast-Bio will truly complement each other's advantages and share resources, and jointly make experimental animal models bigger and stronger.

 Dean of the Graduate School: Zhang Xinyou

  General Manager Jiang Bin introduced the development history of Zvast-Bio to the Dean of the Graduate School Zhang Xinyou and his entourage. Experimental animal models are irreplaceable core biological resources in scientific research and biomedicine research and development in my country. More than 80% of the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine results rely on animal models. 100% new drug research and development relies on animal models, and grasp the "lifeblood" of animal models to control the economic development of biomedicine. Mastering the key technologies and resources of animal models is like mastering the strategic resources for future biomedical technology competition.

  General Manager Jiang Bin introduced that Zvast-Bio currently has the following outstanding advantages:

   206 kinds of disease animal models have been created: it can be applied to most CRO drug efficacy testing services and life science technology services, leading domestic biotechnology service companies.

  SOP standard operating procedures: fully carry out standardized operations, accurately control technical standards, and expand production capacity to form a large-scale.

   Annual revenue growth rate is 50%: Realize profit with self-owned funds, stable cash flow, and strong ability to resist risks.

   80 new models are added every year: to ensure the head position of the subdivision field, and to tap the potential of the technical field.

Zvast- Bio General Manager :Jiang Bin 

 Awarding Ceremony of the Postgraduate Joint Training Base.

  Jiangxi University of  Chinese Medicine was founded in 1959. It is a university jointly established by the Ministry of Education, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the People's Government of Jiangxi Province. It is a national doctoral degree authorization unit. The campus covers an area of 2308 acres. The total value of teaching and research equipment is 521 million yuan, and the library has more than 1.434 million paper books. There are more than 23,000 full-time students (including more than 8,000 independent colleges). There are 1 "Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine", 1 Yangtze River Scholar, 1 "National Hundred and Thousand Talents", 3 national famous Chinese medicine practitioners, 1 national model teacher, 9 national outstanding teachers, and "National Chinese Medicine Leading Talent Support Program ( Qi Huang Scholar)” 1 person.

The school has 3 national scientific research platforms (National Engineering Research Center for Solid Preparation Manufacturing Technology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Key Technologies and Processes of Chinese-Mongolian Pills, State Key Laboratory of Innovative Medicines and High-efficiency Energy-saving and Consumption-Reducing Pharmaceutical Equipment), with education There are 46 provincial and ministerial-level scientific research platforms including Ministry Key Laboratory, 1 academician workstation, 2 post-doctoral mobile stations, 1 workstation, and 4 provincial-level collaborative innovation centers.
    "The creation, promotion and application of heat-sensitive moxibustion technology" won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, filling the gap in the medical field of Jiangxi; the project of "Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine Manufacturing-Research and Application of Key Technologies for the Industrialization of Solid Preparations" won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award , To achieve a zero breakthrough in this award in Jiangxi pharmaceutical category.

   Directly affiliated hospital—Jiangxi Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine is a comprehensive hospital integrating medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, preventive health care, and rehabilitation. It is the first "Class-A Chinese Medicine Hospital" in Jiangxi Province. The combination of production, education and research has distinctive characteristics, and has created and developed a national high-tech enterprise-Jiangzhong (Pharmaceutical) Group.

Happy Cooperation

  The joint training base for graduate students is an important place for graduate students to conduct professional practice and an important carrier for the integration of industry and academia. Zvast- Bio and Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine jointly established a joint training base for graduate students, which is an important manifestation of deepening school-enterprise cooperation, cultivating high-level talents, and promoting technological innovation. Zvast- Bio is committed to promoting the integration of science and education and the integration of production and education, focusing on enhancing the practical and innovative capabilities of graduate students, and providing solid talent support for the development of scientific research. In the future, Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine and Zvast- Bio will deepen multi-field cooperation in postgraduate joint training, scientific research projects, industry-university-research, and continuing education.