[Animal Modeling]-Periodontitis model established by diet

  (1) Reproduction method Feeding adults with Keyes 2000 formula feed (fructose 56%, degraded milk powder 28%, flour 6%, yeast 4%, alfalfa powder 3%, animal liver powder 1%, salt 2%) and a small amount of vegetables In golden hamsters, 6 weeks later, microscopic histopathological observations showed that epithelial cells proliferated below the enamel-cementum boundary, and periodontal pockets were formed; leukocyte infiltration can be seen in the inflammation area, the vascular space increased, and the number of osteoclasts on the bone surface also increased . It is suggested that the Keyes 2000 formula can indeed form experimental periodontitis (PD). Or feed a soft food formula (dog red sausage, potato powder, sugar and water) to adult experimental dogs. After 3 months, the examination confirmed that periodontitis may occur, there is a large amount of plaque and tartar accumulation, gum margins receded, and alveolar The number of osteoclasts on the surface of the crest increases, and periodontitis can gradually worsen with time.

  (2) Features of the model The main mechanism of this model is that rough food is good for self-cleaning of the body's teeth, while high-sugar and viscous soft food is not good for self-cleaning of teeth. On the contrary, it is good for plaque formation and tartar accumulation. Supragingival plaque provides bacterial attachment sites, growth conditions, and lower redox potential for the formation of subgingival plaque. Therefore, feeding animals with a high-sugar diet can easily cause the formation of supragingival plaque, which creates conditions for the formation of subgingival plaque and periodontitis. The model making method is simple and has good repeatability.

  (3) Comparative Medicine Periodontitis is an infectious and destructive disease in clinical practice, and it is the main cause of tooth loss in adults. During the onset of periodontitis, plaque plays a major role in the process of tissue destruction. Therefore, the formation of subgingival plaque is the basic condition for the body to develop periodontitis, because subgingival plaque is mainly gram-negative bacteria, which is anaerobic growth, does not decompose sugar, and has exercise ability. It is very toxic. The components and metabolites are extremely strong pathogenic factors. This model established with high-sugar viscous soft food can cause dental plaque and cause periodontitis in animals, which is similar to the clinical manifestation of periodontitis patients. It can be used to investigate the etiology, clinical process and drug screening of periodontal disease inflammation. Research.