【Animal Modeling】-How to prepare a rat spinal cord contusion model?

  Purpose: To establish different degrees of MASCIS and IH rat spinal cord injury models, to study the relationship between the degree of injury, the way of modeling and behavior, and the results of anatomy.

  Methods: 80 female SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups, 20 in each group. Models of NYU12.5mm, NYU25mm, IH150 kdyn and IH200kdyn were made respectively, and the success rate of model making, BBB score, GridWalking evaluation, heat pain and injury were made. The amount of residual tissue in the center is evaluated.

  Results: The success rates of the two modeling methods were similar; the 0-3dBBB scores of all animals dropped to about 0 points after injury. As time increased, the BBB scores gradually recovered, reaching the plateau in 4-6 weeks, the NYU25mm group had the lowest score, IH200 The score of the group is in the middle, and the score of the IH150 combined NYU12.5mm group is similar and the highest; the GridWalking fall rate increases with the degree of injury; Hargreaves results are greatly affected by motor function; dyskinesia is inversely proportional to the residual amount of tissue at the center of the injury.

  Conclusion: Both MASCIS and IH models can meet the research requirements of the pathophysiological mechanism of spinal cord injury, but appropriate modeling parameters should be selected according to the experimental purpose.