【Animal Modeling】-The mechanism of plasticizers affecting the reproductive function of nematodes is revealed

  DEHP is currently the most widely used plasticizer, with a total annual global output of 4 million tons. People will come into contact with it through toys, clothing, food packaging, medical equipment, personal care products and other products. A large number of studies have shown that exposure to DEHP can cause various fertility problems for men and women, but so far, scientists have not been able to confirm how the chemical substance exerts its harmful effects.

  This time, researchers from Harvard University Medical School and the New York State Department of Health conducted a study on the effects of DEHP exposure on the reproductive function of Caenorhabditis elegans. They found that DEHP can cause excessive double-stranded DNA breaks during cell meiosis and interfere with the operation of the repair system, making these breaks unable to be properly repaired, and ultimately affecting the chromosome morphology, resulting in the number of chromosomes in the egg. Correctly, the embryo's viability is reduced.

  Analysis showed that these nematodes are only affected by low levels of DEHP exposure and metabolism (comparable to the DEHP levels detected in urine samples of the general population). This shows that even a small amount of DEHP can disrupt cell meiosis.

  Caenorhabditis elegans is a common model organism for studying human genetics and biology, and its model is very useful for reference. The researchers said that their new research provides new insights into how DEHP levels in the environment damage the reproductive system of animals, and is of great significance for further understanding of how DEHP affects human reproductive health. This study also reminds people that to pay attention to the problem of DEHP pollution, it is necessary to reduce the use of DEHP or find safer alternatives to minimize the risk of human exposure to this chemical substance.