How to prepare an animal model of vertebral artery compression?

  Vertebral artery type cervical spondylosis is due to cervical vertebral degeneration involving the vertebral arteries, causing cerebellar and brainstem ischemia. With the aging of the population, its incidence is gradually increasing. Clinically, more than two-thirds of dizziness caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain are caused by blood supply disorders in the vertebral artery system.

  (1) Copy method After the experimental rabbits are anesthetized, they are sheared, disinfected and spread with sterile sheets. A longitudinal incision was made in the middle of the front of the neck, and the skin was cut and sutured with a sterile towel. Separate the cervical longus muscles in front of the cervical 5 and 6 vertebrae to expose the front of the vertebral body and the front of its transverse process. The vertebral artery and vertebral vein can be seen by cutting off one side of the intertransverse bone wing. Carefully separate the periosteum inside the vertebral artery, and separate the subperiosteal to the back of the vertebral body. The prefabricated 8mm long bone graft block [take the same rabbit iliac bone, in After immersing in 0.1% benzalkonium bromide (syngermide) for 20 minutes, immersing in 70% ethanol, and storing in a refrigerator at 4°C], it is implanted in the subperiosteal space. The cross-section of the bone block is an equilateral triangle of 3mm×3mm×3mm. Suture the fascia and tissue in front of the vertebral body to prevent the bone from moving forward, and suture the subcutaneous tissue and skin layer by layer. After surgery, 40,000 units of gentamicin were injected intramuscularly for 3 days.

  (2) Model characteristics: About 35 days after the operation, the vertebral artery hemodynamic changes continued to be stable, the peak flow velocity of the compression side decreased, the time average peak flow velocity decreased, and the resistance index increased. The measurement of plasma endothelin (with a dose-dependent contraction effect on the basilar artery) showed that the plasma endothelin content of the model rabbits increased significantly after the operation.

  (3) Comparative medicine The blood supply of the human brain consists of two independent circulatory systems consisting of double vertebral arteries and double internal carotid arteries. The extracranial segment of the vertebral artery in rabbits has no obvious branches similar to humans, and its blood supply is less affected by collateral circulation. The degenerative changes of the vertebral body and its appendages of the rabbits aged 3.5 to 4.5 years are significant, similar to human aging degeneration, and the bone graft between the transverse processes conforms to the pathological characteristics of the disease. The plasma endothelin content of the model rabbits after operation can increase significantly, which is consistent with the changes of plasma endothelin content in patients with vertebral artery type cervical spondylosis before and after surgery.