How to prepare an animal model of cervical spine mechanical imbalance?

  (1) Copy method After shearing and cleaning the back of the rabbit’s neck, anesthetize with ketamine intramuscularly at a dose of 0.1g/kg body weight; after satisfactory anesthesia, fix it on the operating table in the prone position, and spread towels after disinfection with iodine and ethanol , Take the OA ring-occipital joint to the spinous process of the second thoracic vertebra from the median longitudinal incision on the back of the neck). The length is 7-8cm. After the skin is cut, the spinous process is bluntly separated until the spinous process is fully exposed. Remove all the muscles attached to the spinous process lamina and facet joints on both sides of the spine, and then remove the supraspinous and interspinous ligaments of C1~C7 in turn. The subcutaneous fascia and skin were sutured in sequence after operation. Gauze is applied to the incision and will not be replaced after it falls off.

  (2) Features of the model X-ray examination: 8 months after surgery, obvious intervertebral stenosis, osteophyte formation on the anterior edge of the vertebral body, and straightening of the cervical spine can be seen. Histological examination: 3 months after operation, fissures appeared in the annulus of the intervertebral disc, the arrangement was slightly irregular, and the nucleus pulposus appeared to shrink or shrink. A small number of intervertebral discs showed mild herniated nucleus pulposus. Irregular hyperplasia and calcification can be seen in the cartilage endplate. Osteophyte formation can be seen on the anterior edge of the vertebral body, the cell component of which is chondrocytes, and it is obvious that the cartilage endplate extends and proliferates. Eight months after the operation, the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc was completely fibrotic, the layered structure of the annulus fibrosus disappeared, and the hyalineosis was observed. Osteophytes form on the anterior edge of the vertebral body.

  (3) The modelling method of comparative medicine does not damage the intervertebral discs, but can gradually cause cervical intervertebral disc degeneration. Because of the destruction of the soft tissue structure of the back of the animal’s neck, the animal has a tendency to lower its head. This conforms to the fact that white-collar workers are susceptible to cervical spine Epidemiological investigation of the cause of the disease. The appearance of chondrocytes in the annulus fibrosus is an important sign of intervertebral disc degeneration. Regarding the etiology and pathogenesis of cervical spondylosis, it is generally believed that cervical disc degeneration is the root cause of cervical spondylosis, and the mechanism of cervical disc degeneration can be summarized as the increase in the activity of degrading enzymes in the intervertebral disc, the reduction of nutrient supply, and the proportion of living cells Decrease; post-translational protein modification and matrix fatigue and depletion. Every individual's intervertebral disc undergoes similar changes during its natural growth process, but the degree and time are different. The imbalance of biomechanics accelerates this change, and the degeneration becomes serious.