【Animal Modeling】-Establishment of Beagle Dog Physiology Telemetry System

  Purpose: Apply implantable physiological telemetry technology to establish a Beagle dog physiological telemetry system to detect blood pressure, electrocardiogram and respiration in the awake state.

  Methods: (1) A vascular access port (VAP) was implanted into the carotid artery on one side of the beagle through surgery to establish a VAP model dog. After the animal recovered, 6 model dogs were taken for blood pressure and ECG once a week 、Respiration index detection, a total of four weeks of testing, to verify the stability of the Beagle's physiological telemetry system within four weeks; (2) The blood pressure, electrocardiogram, and respiratory indicators of the model dog and the anesthesia dog were compared; (3) The model dog was given A positive drug to verify the sensitivity of the Beagle's physiological telemetry system.

  Results: (1) Compared with the four blood pressure, ECG and respiration indexes of model dogs, there was no significant difference, and the indexes were stable; (2) Compared with awake dogs, the blood pressure and heart rate of anesthetized dogs were significantly increased, the PR interval was shortened, and QTc The interval was significantly prolonged, and the respiratory frequency and respiratory amplitude were reduced; (3) After administration of azilsartan medoxomil, the model dogs' diastolic blood pressure, systolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure were significantly reduced. After terfenadine was administered, the dog's heart rate decreased , PR interval, QRS complex, and QTc interval are all prolonged.

  Conclusion: The Beagle dog physiological telemetry system has been successfully established. The method has good repeatability and high sensitivity. The data obtained is more authentic and reliable, and it is feasible to apply it to safety pharmacology research.